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Stonebridge Sickness Policy


In order to ensure the safety and health of all children and workers at Stonebridge, we abide by the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics.  They recommend that a child should not leave home when any of the following symptoms exist: 



-vomiting or diarrhea

-croup, wet, dry, or barky cough

-sore throat

-any unexplained rash


-any communicable diseases

-any skin infections

-pink eye

-green or yellow discharge from nose

-any symptoms of childhood diseases (scarlet fever, measles, mumps rubella, chicken pox, or whooping cough, or any other communicable disease not listed here)


*Children should be free from fever for 24 hours, without the assistance of medication, before being placed in the Spark! Classrooms.


We will not accept any children into our classrooms if any of the above symptoms are present.  Parents will be called to pick up child if any of the above symptoms exist.

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